Responsible Tenants Are the Drummers of Rental Real Estate

Have you ever heard a music band that was just off? Sure, each musician was probably great, but for some reason it wasn't coming together? I experienced that once, but the reason was obvious: the drummer was missing. Because of this, the band sounded disjointed and off-beat. You could also see the concentration on their faces as they all strained to keep the beat. Nobody, include me, was enjoying themselves. When he finally showed up, they were in the middle of a song and kept playing. He...
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Tenants Don’t Talk To You Because They Fear Retribution

Seth Godin posted an interesting thought piece on professionalism called "Retribution" that talks about the difference between reacting and responding. Retribution is when you react by punishing someone for a wrong or criminal act. An example of a wrongful act might be a tenant not paying their rent or breaking something at your property. Your punishment might be to NOT fix a cracked window or help them get rid of an ant problem. After all, they didn't pay their rent. They deserve it! "T...
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