How To Determine How Much To Charge For Rent

"How much do you charge for rent?" Such a simple question, yet the answer influences so much! Give too high of an answer, and the potential tenant might think it's too expensive and look somewhere else before hearing more about the property. Go too low, and you'll lose out on money for repairs, and paying yourself, which could result in a less-than-desirable rental in a few years. Of course, charging at the low end of the market means resident turnover will be low, and you'll have time...
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The Definitive Guide To Posting Housing Rentals On Craigslist

Screening tenants well is critically important to your real estate success. It's the foundation of maximizing cash flow while minimizing headaches. But, before you can screen a tenant, you need them to apply to live in your rental. Before that, you need to get their attention and pique their interest by marketing your rental. Before 1995, this article would have talked about newspaper ads and short phrases to use in order to minimize character counts and therefore costs (w/d 3/2...). However...
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